Tag: r2 patch

Impossible Password

Are you able to cheat me and get the flag?

$ file impossible_password.bin 
 impossible_password.bin: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=ba116ba1912a8c3779ddeb579404e2fdf34b1568, stripped

$ strings impossible_password.bin
 ASCII "SuperSeKretKey"

$ ./impossible_password
$ ltrace ./impossible_password.bin 
... ...
strcmp("test", "c5Bo~v4[!#+f}9T+W1]V")                                                                        = 17
+++ exited (status 17) +++
$ ltrace ./impossible_password.bin 
... ...
strcmp("letmein", "7S\\&{UyJ>&+1PB{Ep*4*")                                                                    = 53
+++ exited (status 53) +++
compare with random code??? we need bypass this with r2 patch.

$ cp impossible_password.bin impossible_password
$ r2 -A -w impossible_password 
[0x004006a0]> s main
[0x0040085d]> pdf

[0x0040085d]> s fcn.0040078d
[0x0040078d]> pdf

*** write jmp 0x0040096a, 
[0x0040078d]> s 0x00400966
[0x00400961]> wa jmp 0x0040096a
Written 2 byte(s) (jmp 0x0040096a) = wx eb07

            0x00400966      85c0           test eax, eax
│       ┌─< 0x00400968      750c           jne 0x400976
│       │   0x0040096a      488d45c0       lea rax, [var_40h]
│       │   0x0040096e      4889c7         mov rdi, rax                ; int64_t arg1
│       │   0x00400971      e802000000     call fcn.00400978

        ┌─< 0x00400966      eb02           jmp 0x40096a
│      ┌──< 0x00400968      750c           jne 0x400976
│      │└─> 0x0040096a      488d45c0       lea rax, [var_40h]
│      │    0x0040096e      4889c7         mov rdi, rax                ; int64_t arg1
│      │    0x00400971      e802000000     call fcn.00400978
│      │    ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x400968
│      └──> 0x00400976      c9             leave
└           0x00400977      c3             ret

after patch, run
$ ./impossible_password
* SuperSeKretKey
** letmein
void FUN_0040085d(void)
   int iVar1;
   char *__s2;
   undefined local_48;
   undefined local_47;
   undefined local_46;
   undefined local_45;
   undefined local_44;
   undefined local_43;
   undefined local_42;
   undefined local_41;
   undefined local_40;
   undefined local_3f;
   undefined local_3e;
   undefined local_3d;
   undefined local_3c;
   undefined local_3b;
   undefined local_3a;
   undefined local_39;
   undefined local_38;
   undefined local_37;
   undefined local_36;
   undefined local_35;
   char local_28 [20];
   int local_14;
   char *local_10;
 local_10 = "SuperSeKretKey";
   local_48 = 0x41;
   local_47 = 0x5d;
   local_46 = 0x4b;
   local_45 = 0x72;
   local_44 = 0x3d;
   local_43 = 0x39;
   local_42 = 0x6b;
   local_41 = 0x30;
   local_40 = 0x3d;
   local_3f = 0x30;
   local_3e = 0x6f;
   local_3d = 0x30;
   local_3c = 0x3b;
   local_3b = 0x6b;
   local_3a = 0x31;
   local_39 = 0x3f;
   local_38 = 0x6b;
   local_37 = 0x38;
   local_36 = 0x31;
   local_35 = 0x74;
   printf("* ");
   __isoc99_scanf(&DAT_00400a82,local_28);        //input SuperSeKretKey
   local_14 = strcmp(local_28,local_10);
   if (local_14 != 0) {
                     /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return /     exit(1);   }   printf("* ");
   __s2 = (char *)FUN_0040078d(0x14);            //IF input same as caculated, go next FUN_00400978
   iVar1 = strcmp(local_28,__s2);
   if (iVar1 == 0) {
     FUN_00400978(&local_48);                //
here only FUN_00400978(&local_48) is matter, as local_48 is 'A',']','K','r','=','9','k','0','=','0','o','0',';','k','1','?','k','8','1','t']

 void FUN_00400978(byte *param_1)
   int local_14;
   byte *local_10;
 local_14 = 0;
   local_10 = param_1;
   while ((*local_10 != 9 && (local_14 < 0x14))) {
     putchar((int)(char)(*local_10 ^ 9));
     local_10 = local_10 + 1;
     local_14 = local_14 + 1;
the python equivalent:
 !/usr/bin/env python2
 flag_characters = ['A',']','K','r','=','9','k','0','=','0','o','0',';','k','1','?','k','8','1','t']
 xor_key = 9
 flag = []
 i = 0
 while i < len(flag_characters):
     xored = ord(flag_characters[i]) ^ xor_key
     i += 1
 flag_string = "".join(flag)
 print("Flag is: {}".format(flag_string))

>>>flag = ['A',']','K','r','=','9','k','0','=','0','o','0',';','k','1','?','k','8','1','t']
>>>"".join([chr(ord(i) ^ 9) for i in flag])                 
